Room to grow.

Sometimes the best ideas start small. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a completely clear picture of what your new website will look like. Our design process is all about collaboration and trying things out. So if you’ve only got one idea, that’s fine. We’ll start there and grow it together.


Room to grow.

Sometimes the best ideas start small. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have completely clear picture of what your new website will look like. Our design process is all about collaboration and trying things out. So if you’ve only got one idea, that’s fine. We’ll start there and grow it together.


I build websites with WordPress, a Content Management System (CMS) that you may have heard of. Instead of using pre-designed themes with set layouts, I work with a broad framework that gives us far more creative freedom. Great, so what does that mean? It means that I can make a site that looks exactly how you want it to look, and works exactly how you need it to work. I believe web design should be simple, good looking and easy to use.

The beauty of working with WordPress is that it enables us to create a site that you can update yourself. Gone are the days (hopefully) when web designers can justify charging money simply to upload a couple of new pictures to your site. Once we’ve got your site looking and working how you want it to, I offer a consultation session during which I’ll show you how to log on, add and edit content yourself. But of course, you don’t have to do it that way. Some people prefer to hand everything over to a designer to deal with. And that’s fine too!


Design simplicity

Do you remember the last time you appreciated the design of something because it was so complicated? Me neither. Although what goes into building a website can be complex, the end result should be elegant and simple to use. We’ve all used websites that are a chore to navigate. Let’s make yours a pleasure.

View some of my work